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In Alzheimer’s disease, changes in the brain begin 10 to 20 years before symptoms of memory loss or changes in thinking appear.
Welcome to the TRAILBLAZER-ALZ 3 Study, where we’re exploring a potential treatment to delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s.
We’re looking for men and women ages 65-80 who have normal memory, thinking, mood, and behavior patterns, but who may be at risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease in the future.
We’re evaluating an investigational drug to see if it might potentially halt or slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms of memory loss by treating the early changes in the brain.
Participants are randomly assigned to one of two groups. They receive either the investigational drug or a placebo (a substance that looks like the investigational drug but contains no active ingredients). Those who enter the study and receive the placebo may have the option to receive the investigational drug at a later time.
If you qualify, participation can last as long as approximately 5 years, but will vary for each participant.
A Welcome Message from Dr. Eric Grigsby
Listen to this brief message from Dr. Grigsby, Principal Investigator, detailing his qualifications and background.

Ready to Learn more?
Call us at 844-940-3975 or email at
This screening event is meant for those who:
- Are 65 to 80 years of age
- Have normal memory, thinking, mood and behavior patterns
This event is part of an Alzheimer’s prevention clinical research study, TRAILBLAZER-ALZ 3, which is exploring options to stop or slow down the appearance of memory and thinking problems associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Neurovations, a patient care and innovation company, was founded in 1992 by CEO Dr. Eric Grigsby. Today, Neurovations is a national leader in medical device and pharmaceutical innovation, clinical research, and a world-class education program focusing in pain and neuroscience. Dr. Grigsby is deeply connected to the healthcare community through our non-profit HealthRoots Foundation and to the Napa community through Rocca Family Vineyards, a producer of award-winning wines.
Our unwavering mission is to inspire hope and to contribute to the health and well-being of our patients and communities through integrated clinical practice, research, and education.